Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day Three - Results!

Sorry, no time for make-up.
Hola! I took these in the morning so they would be at the same time as my first pictures. Same bikini too :)

Day three is an "eating day", where you're instructed to eat 500 calories for lunch. For me, that is a CRAZY amount of calories during the middle of the day. My lunches are usually around 300-350. But you're instructed to eat it even if you don't want to. I was really looking forward to gorging after having to obey a high protein, no fun carb or sugar diet, but honestly it made me feel a little sick. Other than that, I feel amazing! Day three is when you start feeling a little better (detoxing can make you cranky, tired, etc.) and noticing real results. I took these pictures and stepped on the scale expecting not to see much of a difference, but wow. I was just toggling through my pictures amazed at the difference from just two days ago! And no, I'm not just sucking in :)

Product update: Xyng is amazing. I feel awesome when I take it in the mornings. For anyone who's known me, I am not a morning person. But since I started taking Xyng (a month or so ago) I'm chipper and awake. My appetite is not as strong and I've had zero low blood sugar issues (something I've struggled with for years)
Today I took Accelerate right before a work out. Usually I take it midday for a pick me up/metabolism boost. Not only did I take the dogs out, but I came home and did 15 minutes of jump rope. That's about 10 minutes more than normal... haha, sad but true. I just felt good! Not jittery or crazy, just awesome energy.
Lean is yummy, and it definitely keeps me from being hungry for a couple of hours. Not much else to say about that except, only 44 calories - what?
Cheat is just lovely of course. Add it to my food and I don't have to worry about 25% of my calories. They're making a capsule form soon. I can't wait to take it before a night of beer :)

Then there's Flush. I guess if I'm willing to get half naked on the internet I should give full disclosure. So far nothing major from Flush! I'm not uncomfortable, just surprised. I was worried it might make me run to the bathroom all the time, but nope. The good news is that all the weight and inches lost are real body weight, not from "excess waste".

I'm hesitant to tell you my actual weight loss. I'm 5'3" so 5lbs on me looks like 20 on someone else. Plus I don't want people to get all judgey about my weight. But I'll fill you in on inches and probably weight at the end.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 2

Hello my dears!

Yesterday was pretty interesting. I thought I'd be starving all day long, cranky, etc from detoxing, but I was fine. I will admit that after breakfast I still wanted more food, but after 10 minutes I completely forgot and felt fine for hours. I'm thinking my body is simply trained to want more, even when it doesn't need it. I got a few flashes of weird cravings "Oooooh man, a mall pretzel sounds amazing right now!" or "wow, I really want candy". It was a little random. I got over it after a few minutes, and I'm not sure if the cravings were physical (I'm not eating white carbs or sugars) or mental (since I know I can't have it). White carbs spike your insulin, insulin controls your appetite and too much of it makes it very difficult to burn fat. It only takes two days to break that cycle, hence the detox. During this time I'm depleting the carbohydrates and sugars stored in my body and blood stream, this will return my body to a normal state of fat burning. Don't get me wrong, carbs aren't bad for you, and you definitely need them in your life and diet. Right now I just have enough stored, and I don't want to add to it! Tomorrow is my "eat day" bringing back carbs so my body doesn't feel threatened, which would be very counterproductive.

With my food detox I also have Xyng and Accelerate to boost my energy and mood, suppress my appetite, and increase my metabolism. There's cheat for the food I eat, reducing my calories by 25%, and flush to push the toxins out of my bloodstream and body. All together they take the crap I've been carrying around in my midsection and burn it out of my body.

Right now I'm trying to avoid the scale. In addition to pictures I also took measurements and weighed myself. It's going to take more than just one day to see a major change, so now I have to be patient!

If you have any questions, please ask! You can also check it out at

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Good morning!

Today is Day 1 of Ignite.

I realized I did not tell you anything about Ignite, so here goes:

The IGNITE Pack contains:
  • 2 cans Lean
  • 1 60 count Accelerate
  • 1 60 gram bottle Cheat
  • 1 60 count Flush
  • 1 bottle of Xyngular’s Super Fruit Global Blend
  • 1 box XYNG
  • 1 Shaker bottle
(Yeah, I copied all this from the website) 

LEAN is a vanilla-flavored smoothie mixture full of essential amino acids and proteins. It will help boost your energy levels and increase your metabolism.
In addition, it works as an excellent meal replacement so you can satisfy your appetite with a minimum number of calories. With LEAN, you won’t feel the urge to overeat.
Formulated To:
  • Satisfy appetite
  • Reduce food cravings
  • Support fat metabolism
  • Increase sustained energy
  • Meal Replacement
ACCELERATE is an advanced, thermogenic fat burning solution that will accelerate your metabolism, suppress your appetite, and increase your stamina so you can lose weight while staying focused and active throughout the day.
Formulated To:
  • Stimulate the thermogenic fat burning and weight loss process
  • Suppress appetite
  • Promote energy and stamina
CHEAT is a simple flake powder supplement that you sprinkle on your meals, clinically proven to reduce weight.
It will allow your body to eliminate up to 25% of the calories you eat. Because it is tasteless, you can enjoy your food without having to compromise the flavor. CHEAT is the world’s first calorie-reducing food sprinkle.
Formulated To:
  • Eliminate up to 25% of calories eaten
  • Clinically proven to reduce weight
  • Tasteless and Effective
FLUSH is an organic supplement that will cleanse your colon and augment the fat burning process of ACCELERATE.
In addition, it will help you facilitate digestion, remove pollutants and toxins, increase your energy, and help your body absorb nutrients. FLUSH is an excellent way to help your body function optimally while you lose weight.
Formulated To:
  • Boost fat burning
  • Support weight loss
  • Decrease bloating to create a flatter stomach
Super Fruit Global Blend Utilizing the latest nutritional science, Xyngular has created a complete nutritional supplement juice formula. Super Fruit Global Blend™ delivers nutritional support with three major types of nutrients: antioxidant-rich super fruits, critical primary antioxidant promoting nutrients, and an herbal blend of adaptogens.

XYNG™ is a powerful blend of herbal ingredients, vitamins and minerals that help control your appetite, increase your energy, and create a euphoric feeling of excitement and positive mental energy!
Many people feel listless, tired, and stressed out, with not enough time each day to complete what needs to be done let alone time to prepare the nutritious meals that a healthy diet requires. Worse yet, they just grab fast food as a quick solution. XYNG solves all of these problems.
XYNG increases your energy and helps you stay more alert and active. Lack of energy is one of the major reasons we don’t exercise enough. The basics of losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight is to not only eat less, but also move more. XYNG provides the added boost to get you through your day with enough energy left to do the extras, such as exercise. It’s this natural balance that make us feel our best.

I take Xyng everyday. It replaced coffee for me, and I <3 it.

BAM me in a bikini. Yep, I have cellulite. And I'm not sucking in.

Up close and personal... A little embarrassing since I've never had kids and I'm still pretty young. So watch out for updates. Daily, if not more.

If you have any questions, please ask! You can also check it out at

Monday, April 23, 2012

Different Results

Insanity. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Everyone says “oh, I’ll just eat better and work out more.” Uh huh. If it were that easy to get motivated and change your habits NO ONE would be unhealthy or unhappy with their body. I’ve been saying the same thing for years, and I’m still skinny-fat. You know what skinny-fat is right? You look pretty good fully clothed but still have quite a few soft spots that just won’t go away. Totally noticeable in a bikini. Anyway, I figured I’d try something new and maybe I’d get different results. 

A few weeks ago I tried Xyngular’s Core4. I ate the same, worked out the same, drank the same amount of beer, and still wound up losing several inches on my thighs and stomach. Before I go on you should probably know that I’m a total pill-phobe. I hate, HATE putting anything besides food and drinks in my body... but I know several people who have tried Xyng products and got really good results. They are 100% all natural and I actually know everything that’s in it, so I thought: what the hell. I had good energy and a suppressed appetite. No crazy jitters. Feeling good. 

Then worked changed and I worked 9 days straight, had a two day break, and back to the grind. It doesn’t sound so bad until you try it. My eye still hasn’t stopped twitching, and all I wanted to do was sleep and eat crap food. Like serious crap food. And the more I eat it, the more I want it. Ugh. It’s annoying, I used to be the kid that never ate all their Halloween or Easter candy, and even as an adult I preferred (somewhat) healthier foods. Well not anymore. 

A friend of mine has been talking about how amazing Ignite is. It’s supposed to reset your metabolism to where it used to be, curb your cravings for carbs and sugars, and make you burn actual fat – the best part? After 8 days (detox time) you get to eat whatever you want and never diet again. The problem? The first two days of detox sound hard. I’ve never detoxed, it scares me. BUT the payout sounds awesome and I really miss the way my body used to respond to food.

So instead saying I’ll do the same damn thing I’ve been doing for years, I’m going to give it a whirl. Prepare to suffer with me my friends, I will be giving you a day-by-day! And yes, I’ll be posting pictures. You’re supposed to lose 8-15lbs (guaranteed!), and I’m hoping pictorial proof will be enough to keep me from cheating :)

Wish me luck!

If you have any questions, please ask! You can also check it out at

*** I feel like I should clarify. The detox is not going to be super restrictive. I'm not starving myself or anything unhealthy or weird. I'm just trying to burn through my stored carbs and sugars. But, since I've never denied myself anything food-wise before, I'm scared.